This post is purely my experience and Hands on using Singularity, breakpoints and sass with Newly created Drupal 8 theme from Scratch. I took this Demo project myself so as to get familier with new template system introduced in Drupal 8, TWIG and ofcourse other things as well. So i created and basic theme and blogging the same experiences.
I took the Acquia Cloud Dev instance, installed drupal 8 there and pushed back changes back there. Everyone can try same and i recomend the same as it is Free.
- Machine (For me its macbook),
- Acquia Cloud account,
- php + mysql installed or,
- MAMP (For Mac users) or,
- XAMPP or WAMP for Windows users,
- Git (If using Acquia Cloud or if you want to push to Github),
- Ruby Installed,
- Signularity,
- Breakpoints,
- Compass.